Behold I Make All Things New!

The past year has brought a number of significant changes and challenges to the family of believers here at BSBC. We have seen long time staff members move on to new and exciting areas of ministry as God has led them to broader opportunities to serve Him. We mourn their loss for us but we rejoice with them as they extend themselves to be the best servants of God that they can be and follow the Lord’s leadership in their lives.

We have seen God move other members as well to new churches and new communities, new jobs and new houses and homes. It seems to me that the theme for the ‘Year” ought to be “New.” Sometimes “new” brings with it the challenge of “change”; one of our least favorite things. But with every change we also have placed before us “opportunity.” We have also seen many new faces and families join with us in worshipping and serving the Lord. Many of our own family have extended themselves, stepped up and offered themselves in new and valuable ways to serve our Savior. As opportunities have been presented there has always been someone to offer their gifts and resources to meet the need.

We are meeting new people every week. As I write these words VBS is in full swing. Adults and children alike are sharing in the fellowship of the Saints. People are growing in God’s Grace and God is growing in their hearts and homes. The metal is being applied to the roof. Sunday school rooms are being refurbished. Fresh paint, new carpets and ceilings; a whole new face is being put on our facilities; a new and fresh outlook inside and out.

We are grateful the Lord led Ian and Hannah to join us in ministry to our congregation and community. I am so very thankful as well to all of you who have really done a marvelous job in meeting the needs of our congregation this past year. I want to extend a personal word of thanks to Kim Gonzalez. She has done a marvelous job in leading us in worship and leading our instrumentalists and choir in bringing us to God’s throne weekly. Also Bryan and Tina Hardee who have given us such incredible leadership of our youth ministries. Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped in and continues to provide for our children and for our teachers who continue to faithfully minister God’s Word weekly. Each of you is so very important to the Kingdom work here in Carlsbad. You (we) are changing America as we minister the Gospel to this community.

I believe that God has great things ahead for His Church! (The devil sure seems to be focused on us) Jesus said that He would build His Church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Thank each of you for your continued support. For those among us who are facing particular difficulties, the Word says, we will prevail if “we faint not.” Through prayer and continued commitment to His Word and Will we “are more than conquerors.” Please don’t give in or give up. Let’s all join hands, hearts and souls and see the powerful hand of the Lord give us the VICTORY in CHRIST JESUS as He does a “new thing” in our midst.

Your Servant in Christ,

Bro. David